Occupational medicine
Occupational medicine is a branch of preventive and clinical medicine, impacting the configuration of workplaces and processes. By improving working conditions, it aims to prevent or minimise negative effects on health, thereby facilitating the development of individuals’ capabilities and driving performance. A healthy workplace is one in which workers and managers collaborate to use a continual improvement process to protect and promote the health, safety and well-being of workers and the sustainability of the workplace based on identified needs.
Modern occupational medicine uses the latest scientific findings and swiftly adapts to changes in the economy.
Beyond statutory requirements of the Workers’ Protection Act, I can offer you holistic occupational medical care in line with current legal standards.
While every company is responsible for the health of its employees and the Workers’ Protection Act imposes additional requirements on businesses, performance does not need to suffer. If applied correctly, such measures can increase creativity and motivation which ultimately drives workforce productivity. Health and safety protection thus become key factors of success.
I am able to offer you advice and support on all health & safety related issues, as well as accident prevention. I undertake necessary site inspections, assess working conditions and thoroughly analyse work processes. In line with your requirements, my support and advice can go above and beyond the mandatory standard provision – with a bespoke concept comprising services to promote, provide, maintain and restore the health of your staff and therefore your success.
I hold authorisations to offer a broad range of occupational medical examinations for companies (exception: ergometry; organised externally).
Aptitude and Follow-Up Examinations in Accordance with the Austrian Regulation on Health Monitoring in the Workplace (VGÜ)
This applies in particular for jobs with:
- Hazardous substances or biological agents, including genetic engineering work with human pathogenic organisms
- Physical effects: heat stress, cold stress, noise exposure, vibrations, compressed air, diving work
- Breathing apparatus; work in tropics, subtropics and other stays abroad with specific climatic stresses and risks of infection
Eye and Sight Examinations (§ 68 ASchG)
Employees who undertake screen work are entitled to an eye examination, before starting the job, at regular intervals throughout, as well as in the case of vision complaints attributable to screen work.
Examinations in accordance with §19 of the Austrian Radiation Protection Act
The Radiation Protection Act requires special occupational medical care to protect the health of people who are exposed to radiation at work.
Vaccines that are relevant in occupational medicine must be regarded as part of the legally required measures under the duty of care.
Employees who undertake activities with an increased risk of infection have to be protected with regular vaccinations. These can prevent potential occupational diseases.
Possible protective vaccines at work that are relevant in occupational medicine include: TBE, hepatitis, poliomyelitis, influenza, diphtheria-tetanus and pneumococci. As part of occupational healthcare, prolonged and increased sickness rates can be prevented by the provision of effective vaccines such as the flu vaccine.
The vaccination care plan also forms part of precautionary measures in the case of business trips abroad and should be continually adapted to the latest findings in travel medicine. Among others, travel vaccinations include rabies, typhoid and cholera.
Review of sufficient immunisation
The need for employee to have a booster vaccination is reviewed here.
I am happy to advise you on required vaccinations.
The promotion of health creates safe, satisfying and motivating working and living conditions. If your employees feel healthy and well, they will more likely adopt your company’s goals as their own and work towards them with all their energy and commitment. As a business, you can make substantial contributions to a healthy configuration of the working environment for your workforce.
As part of promoting occupational health, I am happy to identify specific target groups in your business who can then be supported with tailored measures to promote health, safety and performance.
Mental stress in the workplace is a frequent cause of work-related complaints and illnesses. It can inflict not only human suffering but also a huge economic cost.
In cooperation with occupational psychologists, I devise the best possible method to approach the issue in a way that is scientific, professionally acceptable and economical, with maximum sustainability –
with the shared aim of deriving possible solutions to optimise ways to manage work performance from a relationship-based perspective, thus achieving maximum benefit for everyone involved, the company and the staff.